Don’t Be a Rock Star – Look After Your Ears!

If you scroll through Wikipedia’s list of famous people with tinnitus, it quickly strikes you – like the first bar in a blazing rock-and-roll anthem – just how many are music legends. From ‘rock gods’ like Neil Young and Eric Clapton, the list features iconic musos like Chris Martin, Phil Collins, Sting, Jeff Beck, Ozzy Osborne, and The Who. These are just some of the musicians who’ve spoken publicly about their affliction and the effects of living with Tinnitus.
Tinnitus is described as ringing or buzzing in the ears, that no one else than you hear. All these rockstars out there seem to have this condition. Is this a coincidence or something more?

Frequent exposure to loud music – not just from clubs and raucous rock concerts, but from listening to music at high volumes at home or through earphones for prolonged periods of time, may be a source for potential hearing loss. We have all been there enjoying the music, the beats, the rhythm. We are not always focused on what impact can this have on my hearing?
Tinnitus is often an early symptom of hearing loss. It’s an extremely common condition, affecting up to 15% of the world’s population. Unsurprisingly, musicians are estimated to be four times more likely to suffer from tinnitus than the rest of us. (Although, as Chris Martin, it’s not a subject he discusses often in interviews!)
Like other symptoms of hearing loss, tinnitus is often associated with an underlying condition, such as age-related hearing loss, an ear injury, or damage to the circulatory system. These days, doctors report seeing more hearing loss and tinnitus in younger people – particularly those who’ve subjected their ears to years of loud music.
The good news is that, for many people, the impacts of tinnitus can be reduced by treating the underlying cause of your hearing loss, helping habituation or using sound therapies. Tinnibot, the world’s first online tinnitus coach, offers daily activities tailored to help people who have to live with tinnitus to stop noticing the tinnitus. It uses cognitive behavioral therapies, sound therapy, calming sounds, all which support tinnitus relief and tinnitus management.
World Hearing Day
The World Health Organization is promoting good hearing practices and hearing health. The theme this year is “listening with care” – which, of course, starts with reducing one’s exposure to loud noise.
Test your hearing once a year
MindEar has launched a free hearing test inside its app, enabling visitors to test their hearing levels in the comfort of their own homes. Testing your hearing regularly is important so share the hearing test with your family members and compare your results!
Get a better understanding of your hearing health by doing a quick online hearing test with Tinnibot today. It only takes 5 minutes – so why not jump online and check out your hearing? It may be the beginning of a much clearer, calmer future!
Download MindEar today by clicking here or by scanning the QR code, and see what other great features are on offer to learn more about healthy hearing habits and tinnitus management.
How MindEar can help you in your tinnitus journey
The MindEar App offers a range of scientifically-backed solutions that can help you manage your tinnitus symptoms effectively. In the MindEar app you will find a soundscape library offering a variety of adjustable soundscapes to help you find the sound sound therapy that works best for you. You can also talk to a tinnitus expert to help you better understand your tinnitus. In addition, cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness techniques are also accessible to provide you with the tools to take control of your condition so that you can live a life without noticing it. MindEar is here to guide you on that journey.
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